October 31st, 2021 of course from 3:30pm - 5:30pm
barking babies 1188 Homer St.
We're having a best costume photo contest!
We'll take the pic & post on @barkingbabies Instagram October 31st, 2021 by 8pm.
Share the pic with your friends to get more votes! Winner gets our $100 gift pack with prizes:
* warm fleecy sweater
* spooky squeaky toy
* loveyloos pumpkin cookies
* waterproof green leash
--- plus bragging rights --- barkingbabies 2021 BEST DOGGIE COSTUME!
How to enter:
1. follow @barkingbabies on Instagram
2. copy your dog's pic from our Instagram page - pics available by 8pm
3. post your dog's HOWL-O-WEEN PICTURE or story on Instagram, by midnight October 31st, 2021

The most votes wins. Winner will be announced November 1st, 2021 8pm Pacific time.
We're so excited to see the costumes - have fun and see you soon friends!
Our 2020 Winner - Baked Potato!